Brenda Weston Labour District Councillor for Priorswood
Labour District Councillor for Priorswood

Brenda joined the Labour Party as a lone parent in 1980. Despite having zero knowledge of how it all worked, Brenda instantly became active in the Taunton Labour Women’s Council and with constituency party campaigning. Her first job, aged 16, was at County Hall and in a weird twist of fate she returned to occupy the very same office as County Councillor and Labour Group leader in 1995.

Now a District councillor for the second time, Brenda works alongside Libby Lisgo as a councillor for Priorswood – where she also grew up. Brenda’s political experience spurred her into further and higher education and she graduated from the University of Bristol in 1991 with a Social Policy Hons degree. Since then Brenda has mostly worked in policy research into areas such as rural poverty, youth offending, child protection, social care and housing. Brenda’s most satisfying job was leading the policy and research work at an equality charity – Equality South West. Brenda has also represented South West CLPs on Labour’s National Policy Forum since 1998, and currently sits on the Early Years, Education and Skills Policy Commission.

Brenda is also a Taunton Charter Trustee.


If you are a constituent of Brenda’s and wish to contact her, here is her SWT Councillor Profile – Cllr Brenda Weston, Priorswood

Libby Lisgo Labour District Councillor for Priorswood
Labour District Councillor for Priorswood

Libby Lisgo MBE  has lived and worked in North Taunton for the last 25 years.

She has been a Taunton Deane Borough Councillor for the area since 1995, apart from 2007-2011. She has been Leader of the Labour Group, Parliamentary Candidate for Taunton and in 2013-14 she was Mayor of Taunton Deane.

For eighteen years she was Chief Executive of Age Concern Somerset, which became Age UK Somerset

Libby  represented the Lyngford Ward on Taunton Deane and now is a councillor for the new authority of Somerset West and Taunton where she represents Priorswood.  She is vice chair of scrutiny.

Libby is also a Taunton Charter Trustee

If you are a constituent of Libby’s and wish to contact her, here is her SWT Councillor Profile – Cllr Libby Lisgo, Priorswood

Andy Govier Labour Town, District and County Councillor for Wellington
Labour Town, District and County Councillor for Wellington

Andrew has lived in Wellington all his life and attended Linden Infants, Beech Grove and Wellington Schools. On leaving school he went to work for the Ministry of Defence at the Hydrographic Office in Taunton. He then spent two years working for the MOD in Bath before moving to the Charity Commission in Taunton.He currently works as a Financial Advisor.

He is married to Jackie and has two daughters.

Andrew became involved in local politics because he wanted to make things better for Wellington and Rockwell Green.

He has been very keen to promote the town and to get extra facilities for the local people. He led the campaign to save Wellington Playing Fields from the threat of development; he helped to get a new sports hall at Courtfields School and to get extra facilities at all of the town Primary Schools. He was successful in helping to save Wellington Youth Centre from possible closure and is now Chairman of the Committee that runs it.

Andrew is also a member of Taunton Deane Borough Council and Somerset County Council. He served as Mayor of Taunton Deane in 2003 and 2004 and as Mayor of Wellington from 2010 until 2012.

Andrew is a Christian and member of St. John’s Parish Church.


If you are a constituent of Andy’s and wish to contact him, here is his SWT Councillor Page – Cllr Andy Govier, Wellington

Mike McGuffie Labour Town Councillor - Wellington
Labour Town Councillor - Wellington

Mike has lived in the Wellington area for over 20 years, first in Langford Budville and since 2010 in North Wellington. His career was in IT and auditing but since 2014 he has been a full time homemaker. Mike has been a governor at his sons’ primary school and has been active in the local Friends of the Earth, Oxfam fundraising and Peace groups.

Mike has been a member of Labour since 2017 and was elected to Wellington Town Council in 2019, where he chairs the Environment and Open Spaces committee and he is also the Environment Officer for the local party. Wellington is a lovely town and he is interested in how we can make it more sustainable, improving the environment and reducing pollution while ensuring the homes and facilities people need are available in a fair and equitable way.

Mike can be contacted at:

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